Spoločnosť TSS Group sa od svojho založenia v roku 2004 zameriava na poskytovanie riešenia v oblasti zabezpečenia objektov a vozidiel. Neskôr rozšírila svoju pôsobnosť taktiež o produkty zaisťujúce GPS monitoring vozidiel a osôb. V súčasnosti je spoločnosť rozčlenená na tri samostatne fungujúce produktové divízie.
Vďaka silnému internému tímu kvalitných technických špecialistov vyvíjame celú radu vlastných produktov a riešení v rámci všetkých troch divízií. Snažíme sa prinášať inovatívne riešenia využívajúce moderné a spoľahlivé technológie, ktoré našim zákazníkom poskytnú viac než len zaujímavý pomer medzi cenou a výkonom.
BC UNI-09 Camera analog RCA auto IR 12-24V
Rearview camera universal, 12V/24V, SONY CCD sensor, without guide lines, view angle of 150°, with automatic IR LEDs, metal body.
BC MINI Camera analog RCA 12-24V
Rearview camera of small size, 12V / 24V, with on/off guide lines function, view angle of 170°, metal body.
M12 flexi Cabeling flexible for up to 3 cameras
Flexible cabling allows you to connect up to 3 cameras with a monitor reliably when installed on mutually moving ...
BC SKO-11 Rearview camera Škoda Audi
OEM color parking camera for installation into the rear door handle of the luggage compartment. It includes a microswitch for opening the door. For Škoda ...
BC SUZ-12 Rearview camera Swift S-Cross
OEM color parking camera for installation into the original opening for the parking camera. For Suzuki Swift, Grand Vitara, SX4 S-Cross cars.
BC VW-14 Rearview camera VW Škoda Seat
OEM colour parking camera to install into the rear licence plate light body. There is a special place in the camera body assigned for the light bulb replaced from ...
BC BMW-11 Rearview camera X3 X5 X6
OEM color parking camera for installation into the original opening for the parking camera. For Mercedes BMW X3 (E83), X5 (E70), X6 (E71/72) cars.
MY1084-1H Cigarette lighter socket, mounting panel
CL socket waterproof, integrated in the mounting panel.
MY1083 Voltmeter, 6-30V, red LED
The on-board voltmeter is used to prevent battery failures and to check the charging of a vehicle with an on-board voltage of 12/24V. The voltmeter gives you ...
MY1106-1H Charger USB-A 2x with cover, mounting panel
Charger USB-A 2x, 5V, 2.1A, waterresistant, integrated in the mounting panel.
MY1118 Charger USB-A 2x with cover for motorcycles
Charger USB-A 2x, 5V, 2.1A, waterresistant, with a holder for mounting on handlebars or a circular frame. Ideal for ...
MY1121 Extension cable AUX/USB 100cm
AUX/USB extension cable 1 m long, with a socket for fitting into a hole with a diameter of 27 mm.
MYP001 Panel for built-in charger, with one hole
Single hole Housing for the thread housing products (chargers built-in for panel)
SEAT HEATER Seat heater spiral
Seat heater kit with thermostat. Small heating pads with high intensity of warmth. No cutting allowed !Can be installed in any vehicle. Pad dimensions: 30 x 13 cm.
MY1218 Charger USB-A & USB-C built-in, 5V, 4.2A
Charger USB-A & USB-C built into the panel, 5V, 4.2A with dust and moisture cover.
MY1298 Charger USB-A & USB-C built-in, QC3.0, PD 3.0
Fast Charger USB-A & USB-C (Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0) built into the panel, with dust and moisture cover.
MY1248 Charger USB-A 2x, built-in, 5V, 4.2A
Charger USB-A 2x built into the panel, 5V, 4.2A with a cover against dust and moisture.
MY1236 Charger USB-A 2x, built-in, 5V, 4.2A
Surface mount charger USB-A 2x, with rectangular panel, built-in, 5V, 4.2A with dust and moisture cover.
RM LCD REN2 Rear view mirror 4.3" 2ch, Renault PSA Dacia Mercedes
Rearview mirror with monitor 4.3" integrated, for PSA, Dacia, Mercedes, Renault, VW, Volvo ...